OK you'll like this one. I'm pumping gas in my 1981 ford f250 with an inline 6 and a 4 speed. Next to me is a mustang with no badges but snorcals on the hood. I ask him if its a gt and make small talk. He admires my truck. I drive out of gas station over freeway and truck starts cutting and spuddering. It slows down from 45 to 35 to 25 quick. I drop gears to get rmps truck would run strong then have nothing then back fire then run good then back fire and so forth. I look in my mirror and see a trail of glowing orange dots spred about 6 inches apart and for about 20 or 30 feet behind the truck. I'm a mechanic and welder so I know molten metal when I see it. The first thought in my head was my Axel is melting. My axle has small crack and leaks a little but to have cadistrofic meltdown literally? I turn the truck around knowing I don't have long to get it off the road. The truck stalls as soon. As its turned around. Having had had my hazards on already I just cut my head lights to save power. I look under truck to find what was melting only to see my catilitic converter glowing bright orange and see liquid metal dripping from it. I give it a few min. To cool off. Truck starts back up runner rough. I drive truck back to my house SLOW! Just though I'd ask if this has ever Happened before.
Read more: Why did my trucks catilitic converter melt off the truck?