Monday, July 20, 2015

94 ford explorer intermittent start?

Okay so my 1994 ford explorer will crank but not start unless I have a battery charger on and press the gas peddle, I also have to keep applying pressure on the pedal to get the truck to keep running and it will idle from 600rpm to 1500rpms evendors die some times when i let off gas. I have replaced crankshaft position sensor, throttle sensor, maf sensor, ignition switch, fuel pump, ignition coil, eec and fuel pump relays, fuel filter, alternator and battery to no avail. I have checked gas pressure at Schrader valve, voltage on injectors, spark in wires and grounds from power relay box and solenoid also starter. I was told by my mechanic to check all grounds but I am unable to find a wiring diagram. Any help would be very appreciative as I don't want to just keep throwing money at it. I am almost possitive there's a short somewhere.

Read more: 94 ford explorer intermittent start?