Saturday, October 31, 2015

Help kitten from drugged house covered in fleas and more?!

I just picked up a beautiful ginger kitten 9 weeks old I had to wash him he stunk of pee his paws were filthy, he's covered in fleas I've never seen them so big! He's got yellow gunk coming from his eye he was scared of the owner who was selling them the house stunk of weed I've bathed him and used front line and hubby has gone out to get some dewormer but I can't a Ford all this:'( I wasn't expecting this I just wanted to save him amd look after him he was so helpless! I brought good stuff for his flea and wormer but what can I used to get rid of the fleas he's covered in them! And his eye is a little ***** where the tear duck is light creamy yellow colour what can I use to help him? Something around the house? I have called RSPCA to try save the others he's only been with me a few hours he's purring away not leaving my side and very cuddley unlike when he was at this persons house he seemed scared and tried to claw the owner from getting him I've done my best but what can I do about the fleas and eye?

Read more: Help kitten from drugged house covered in fleas and more?!