Thursday, March 2, 2017

Can vapor lock cause a vehicle to not start even when it's cold, and hasn't been driven that day yet?

I've been having So much trouble with my 1995 Ford F-150 pickup (V8 5.0) not starting (and now, stalling as well). Sometimes when I'm ready to leave the house, I'll go out to my truck, turn the key, and it doesn't want to start. It turns over and sounds like it will start, but doesn't. After fooling around with it (doing various experiments), it will finally start.

In recent months, the problem has escalated into stalling as well. Every time I first leave my house, the truck will stall at least once during my 30+ mile trip. It usually happens between 5-10 minutes after leaving. Like it has to get a little hot first. Then it refuses to start for like 7-10 minutes or so. Once it finally starts, it doesn't stall any more during that entire shopping trip.

Just today, my truck stalled yet again. These two guys tried helping me. One of them got under my truck and was tapping on the fuel tank for one test. Still didn't start. But when the two guys removed my gas caps, the truck started (and stayed running all day). I'm not sure if that was a coincidence or what? But they were telling me it was vapor locked. Could that be? All this time? Sadly, it didn't stop the check engine light from coming back on.

I can hear the fuel pump engaging on each tank when I turn the key (if that helps to mention). I've already replaced the spark plugs, spark plug wires, ignition coil and the fuel filter (also the gas caps).
Added (1). Here's my trouble codes…

565 â€Â" Canister purge 1 solenoid/circuit failure.
636 â€Â" Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) sensor out of range.
332 â€Â" EGR did not open/respond during test or if memory code, did not open intermittently.
211 â€Â" Ignition PIP signal was erratic or missing.
116 â€Â" Engine Coolant (ECT) sensor out of range.
311 â€Â" AIR system not working â€Â" Single, right or rear HO2S.
538 â€Â" System did not receive “Goose” test.
536 â€Â" Brake On Off open or shorted to ground.
632 â€Â

Read more: Can vapor lock cause a vehicle to not start even when it's cold, and hasn't been driven that day yet?