Thursday, October 15, 2015

Improper boost, have I damaged my truck?

I was boosting my truck a 2001 Ford F-150 with a presumably dead battery with a 2003 Hyundai Accent, the cables were connected properly to the Hyundai but backwards to the Ford. There was no large spark when I connected the cables just regular sparking, I tried turning the truck over and nothing happened so I got out to look at the cables and they were smoking at the terminals so I removed them, I reconnected them on the fords battery to the right terminals, got in the truck and it started, I removed the cables and the truck remained running, I got in the truck and the aftermarket reason was working along with the dash lights and the electronic four wheel drive switch. After letting the truck run for 15 minutes I turned it off and tried starting it again and it was completely dead. They Hyundai still starts and runs as it did before. I was wondering if you think I did any damage to the truck or if you think the batter is just pooched. This all happened two hours ago, thanks anybody for their prognosis.

Read more: Improper boost, have I damaged my truck?