Saturday, November 28, 2015

Craiglist ad posting is pissing me off, how do i ad tags to a car sale ad without getting flagged?

So im making a for sale ad on craigslist and im trying to add tags to get my ad out there more but when i add tags and click next craiglist flags it and the following message appears:

Some required information is missing or incorrect.

Please correct the fields marked in red:

•One vehicle per posting -- please do not include keywords unrelated to the specific vehicle being listed. For example, if you are listing a Ford F-150, the terms "Chevy" and "Tacoma" should not appear

LIKE WTF? I tried adding my tags with periods, commas, etc between each tag even / but it still fkin flags it? How in the FK are other people able to ad tags and not get flagged like i am?

Here is an example of how im trying to tag


Like i said i tried commas, periods, spaces, etc between each tag and craigslist still effing flags it WTF?

Read more: Craiglist ad posting is pissing me off, how do i ad tags to a car sale ad without getting flagged?