Thursday, June 29, 2017

Ford 2002 speedo and rev counter starts at -20Mph/-2000rpm?

Heya, i Have a 2002 Ford fiesta bought at auction, the speedo and rev counter are zeroed at about -20mph so when you are doing 50 it appears as if you are doing 30, replaced the clocks. Before programming new IC i self tested the IC and revs and speed acted as they should but when i programmed the IC to the car the revs and speed reverted to the -20/-2000 position. I put the OBDii software in live view and the speed and revs outputted by the PCM were displayed correctly (iding at about 1100 rpm) but IC still showed -1000ish. Getting error codes u2200-63 and u2197-63. What would be the likely cause?

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