Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I want to save up for stuff but haven't been taught?

I'm still job searching, but I'm getting there.

I want to both move out, and save for a car. I'm thinking of just a ford focus, nothing expensive and difficult.

My gf wants to move too, and she's looking for a second job so moving isn't going to be impossible.

Out of a paycheck for full time minimum wage Canada Ontario, how much should I set aside for a car? I'm not sure how much to set aside each pay.

Also probably going to want to set money aside for a house, how much per pay should I set aside for that as well?

Theres so much I want to do, and my parents and school have not taught me this.

I appreciate the help. Any tips would be great.

Read more: I want to save up for stuff but haven't been taught?